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Online Chat!
I have done it! I have set up the Chat that so many of you people wanted.

You can access it through the Online Chat link on the Navigation bar. Or, for the more knowledgable users, you can connect through an IRC Client using the following information:

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Port: 6667


NeoGeo Pocket ROMs
After having my arm twisted by my good buddy NesRomz-0 (pffffffffft) I finally got around to making a small ROMs update. 128 NeoGeo Pocket ROMs are now up and linked. Go check it out. I will add some Emulators for that system later tommorow.

That many ROMs, eh? There's gotta be a catch... Hmm... Raven, did you sell your soul to the devil? Just curious.

Oh well. On to the bi-annually updated daily news. Quintesson(that's sure to be on a spelling bee some day), of AGES fame, was interviewed by Emu History X, which you can read here. For those who don't know, AGES was the second working 32x emulator to be released. Or first, depending on how you view it. Quintesson released a version that didn't have 32x support. Soon after that, Vegas was released. It played 32x games. A few days later, an AGES version that played 32x was released. Anyways, AGES then became the first publically released emulator to play Sega CD games. Now, again folks, both 32x and Sega CD emulation are pretty bug-ridden. Both rely upon the Sega Genesis, and so if the Genesis emulation isn't superb, it's like trying to build a house on quicksand, shaky at best. Thanks to Opi for that tidbit.

Speaking of AGES, a new version was released. What's new:

  • Sped up Sega CD emulation by 44% (why is it always this particular number?!?!!?)
  • Boosted Sega CD compatibility, but not by nearly as much as I predicted from my preliminary testing. :'(
  • Eliminated need for preformatted Sega CD internal BRM. AGES will automatically format it if the file is not present. If the file is present and is somehow corrupted, you will have to delete it or use the BIOS to re-format it.
  • Added error message suppression (for instance the UnRAR.DLL error)
  • Made file filters dynamic (.RAR is not shown anymore if UnRAR.DLL is not found)
  • Non-16-bit displays won't shutdown AGES now, but you still can't use non-16-bit modes.
The PSXEMU page has an interesting interview with Galtor, the author of ePSXe, a promising Playstation emulator. Thanks again go to Opi for the news.

Well, suprisingly, Sega Saturn emulation hasn't advanced very much. After all, the Sega Saturn was a reasonably successful machine, at least compared to the Sega CD. Well, SSX is a Sega Saturn emulator that has a lot of promise. Check out this preview if you're at all interested in emulating the Saturn.

The Java Arcade Emulator(JAE) has added another game to its increasingly impressive repertoire, Mario Bros.(Not to be confused with Super Mario Bros. on the NES). The Java Arcade Emulator is an emulator you can play without downloading a thing. Very cool and very convenient:-)

Well, there's a cool new dumping group in town! Project DMG-01 was created somewhat recently, with the purpose of "Dump, Identify & Report Every USA Game Boy(Mono/B&W)Rom for the purpose of Vintagegaming which is the art of Collecting, Archiving & Reliving the Classic Games of our past that we grew up with and love with all our hearts". So far, it's released:

  • [ Release 1 ] Contra - The Alien Wars (U) [!] (GoodGBX Unreleased)
  • [ Release 2 ] Kid Icarus - Of Myths and Monsters (UE) [!]
  • [ Release 3 ] Jurassic Park (U) [!]
  • [ Release 4 ] Jurassic Park 2 - The Chaos Continues (UE)
  • [ Release 5 ] Mystical Ninja (U) [S][!]
  • [ Release 6 ] Mystical Ninja (U) [S][a][different title screen]
  • [ Release 7 ] Great Greed (U) [!]
  • [ Release 8 ] Double Dragon (U) [!]
  • [ Release 9 ] Mickey Mouse - Magic Wand (U) [S][!]
  • [ Release 10 ] Nemesis 2 - The Return of the Hero (U) [!]
  • [ Release 11 ] Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Fall of the Foot Clan (U)[!]
  • [ Release 12 ] Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Back from The Sewers (U) [!] (GoodGBX Unreleased)
Well, recently, accusations have been hurled around that
Famicommunist has stolen some of Nester's source code. A few posts down gives you plenty of details. Anyways, apparently Famicommunist has been cancelled. Interesting.

Well, Gamersuplink, a good gaming news site with strong ties to the emulation community, run by uzplayer(former head of Emucamp), Rabidfrog/Leigh(of Total Emulation and Kilik123, is doing a feature on Bleem!. How's that for a run-on sentence:-) Bleem! is a controversial commercial Playstation emulator. You can read the feature here. Please note the feature has just been updated to part 3, of 7.

Thanks to Retrogames, Kinox and Emusphere and Gamers uplink for the news.

The Magic Number is...14076
Thats right people...Over 14000 ROMs! They said I was crazy...and I proved them right! Mwahaha, every Snes ROM Known to exist is on the site now. Thats Over 3600 Super NES ROMs. If you people arent happy now, you soon will be...once I get some more server space...I will be adding about 6000 NES ROMs. 6000!!!! And from there...Genesis.

You can thank me...or you can thank the man behind the ROMs...Nesroms-0. Get on the message board and pay your respects to him.

Some Site News
Hey folks. Ok, some changes where made to the server and everything should be running nice and smooth.

I hope you enjoyed the Gameboy ROMs, and if you didnt I'm sure you'll enjoy this. After I get in touch with my main ROM expert (some of you may know him from the message board as Nesroms-0) I'll see about adding a few more thousand Super NES ROMs...thats right a few THOUSAND. Stay Nesroms-0...where in blazes are you?

Leave it to the Onion

Welcome, you capitalist pigs! Umm.. well, that technically includes me, but to the point of the post, there's been a lot of commotion going on about a new NES emulator, Famicommunist. It was recently released, with good compatibility, and looked very promising. However, the authors of Nester, another NES emulator, have complained that Famicommunist uses its source code. The Famicommunist homepage replied:

"Famicommunist Accusations!
I have heard the accusations of famicommunist being a NESter hack. And i must say they are complete bull. I did look at the NESter source for help, but the only actual code i used from it was Blitting (a very small routine), i have updated the docs, so they express gratitude for the blitting, and for the cores and docs i used, and will be releasing the source tommorow when i get home for proof. (i am away from home now)

We'll keep you informed as it happens.

Gameboy ROMs...what?
Whats this?? Thousands and thousands of Gameboy ROMs?

Thats right people...I have done it! It took me a few days more than I thought it would, but it happened. Over 4000 Gameboy ROMs have been uploaded and linked. Enjoy!

By the way, this brings the ROM Count up to: 10 461 Exactly. Put that in your pipe and smoke it!

*Expect that number to double in the next little while.

People, even if you've emailed my other account, with an application, please remail it to , with your alias, any preferences and your email for easy archiving. Thanks again, guys.

Ranting? RANTING!!!!????
Who's ranting, huh?? Huh? I'm not ranting!!! Cough, anyways, to prove I can make a post without endorsing a candidate either explicitly or obviously, I'm announcing MAME has been updated to version 0.37b9. MAME stands for Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator. It plays arcade games, well over 2000 of them at that. Until we renovate our MAME section, head on over to for the latest ROMsets. If you need help with the emu, check out EmuAdvice.

I can't resist:-) Go GORE!!!

I suppose you are all wondering? Where the blazes is Raven? Why the heck has the only news post in the last week been Drewbert ranting on about the presidential elections? And what the f**k is this BS about Mayor Quimby?!?!?

Well, as for the first question, I am still around...and my absense has been due to the small (actually quite large) fact that I have been spending my free time linking, ehem, about 4300 Gameboy ROMs! Thats right, more ROMs than you can shake a stick at...unless ofcourse you have an impressivley large stick (sexual connotation noted).

Well, those ROMs will be up within the next day...if not today, then tommorow. So stay tuned!

Pe2k Election Coverage
OK, well tomorrow the people of the US of A will be choosing between three (somewhat)serious candidates: Al Gore, Ralph Nader and George Dubya Bush(not-so-lovingly called the Shrub). So, to get into the patriotic spirit, I thought I may as well post a few links on the subject.

First off, Gore did NOT claim to have invented the Internet. And while many people have portrayed Gore as a liar, that is not so. Meanwhile, Bush has a few problems with the truth himself, not to mention 4th grade English.

Anyways, I advise those of you interested in this stuff to keep your eye on Salon's politics section. Some other good sources: NYTimes(Registration Required) and the Washington Post. And if that doesn't convince you not to vote Bush, try this or this. Or better yet, this:-)

Sorry for my partisanship, but I'm a uniter, not a divider;-) Oh, and there's always Quimby!

OK Guys
First off, thanks to all of you who emailed us about joining the pe2000 crew. I guess you could say it was the program's success that's the problem. Today, I got 45 emails. I just can't keep track of all the applications, as well as normal mail. So, if you don't mind, please email . In the body, just include any alias you may want, an email adress and any preferences(eg: game reviewer, etc.) It'll make it a lot easier for all of us. Thanks for your time.
